I asked our Canadian friend Bob Cates to answer some questions about juggling in his life right now. He answered in essay format, so I will let him tell his own story and updates. Read and enjoy!
Hi there,
My name is Bob Cates, and my show is called Comedy in Motion or Comedy in Motion with Bob Cates.
I have been making my living full time as an entertainer since 1995. I just got married last summer in my old age at 37 and my wife who was 38 at the time had been looking for a long time as well. Little did she know her husband was the guy who she had hired for a show in 2002. Yes you heard correctly. My wife has been the director of children's ministry at a few large churches for the last 10 years. In 2002 she hired me for a show for some carnival day they were having at her church. There were no sparks at that time which is a funny story in itself. Our paths crossed again 2 years later at another ministry event for just a moment. So we knew OF each other. But, we eventually connected romantically through
www.christiancafe.com. Apparently I met every point on her 3 point list, and she met every point on my 27 point list! She now works in the business with me, doing one illusion, and assisting on stage and off. Being able to work and travel together with my wife was always a strong desire for me. And the Lord mercifully brought me a woman willing to quit her (very good, and fulfilling job) and do just that. We had a great first winter together with 4 months spent working on the Ms Statendam in Australia, New Zealand and Asia. Although our cruise ship days are likely going to drop like a 5 ball mills mess, now that we are a "duel" act; there have been many cutbacks on cruise lines, attempting to save money by cutting two person acts (in order to save flight costs).
I learned to juggle in my last year of high school (age 18) by teaching myself with tennis balls. I was inspired when I saw a juggler on tv at school and said to my friend, "wouldn't it be cool to be able to juggle!" He showed me that he could do it himself with chalk brushes, and I went home that night and taught myself. It took about 3 hours, but I'm nothing if not persistent. After high school I had a year of Bible College, then 4 years at McMaster University for business. I started Juggling Clubs (societies) at both places and practiced on average for about 6-10 hours a week for those 5 years which is when I picked up my core skills.
I became a Christian at a young age, seeing the need for salvation from my sins, and was baptized at 18 before going off to Bible College. When I was a missionary in Lithuania for 7 months after university, I used the juggling to draw crowds for some street ministry. I started using the show to share the gospel closer to 1998 and beyond after being exposed to Christians in the arts in the United states doing such things, such as magicians, or Christian jugglers I met at the IJA conventions. I was actually good friends with Mike Koehler - the founder of the CJA though since we lived within an hour of each other.
My faith has grown in various ways over the years, and so has how I've shared the Gospel in the show. One thing I've rarely done (which seems to be quite popular in the US) is to share (Bible) stories with the juggling, for example. I've always tended to use the juggling oriented object lessons, and then go on to explain the Gospel. However this has changed over the last year. About a year ago I became aware of
www.wayofthemasterradio.com (see also
www.wayofthemaster.com and
livingwaters.com) and, after having listened to many podcasts of the radio show, it has transformed the way my wife and I do evangelism from the ground up.
You can see our story
Our eyes were opened to use the Law (the 10 commandments) in sharing of the Gospel - but more than that we were inspired to share our faith more boldly than we do now (off stage and on).
This includes tracts, one on one conversations, and open air preaching. As a result,this has affected ministry shows in that I want to preach even more, and make the Gospel even more personal to the hearers. This has led me to encourage churches to use the following format.
First, I present a one hour show, then the MC takes the stage for 10 minutes and can share ministry info about the church, or videos, etc. Then I return to the stage out of character as myself and preach the Law and the Gospel (We broke God’s Law, but Jesus paid our “fine”) for about 10-15 minutes. This method allows me to keep the entertainment the entertainment, and the gospel the gospel. It also gives the church a few minutes of time to introduce themselves to any new faces from the community. We still do some shows, however, where the Gospel is incorporated into the show.
Here is a tidbit Americans may find interesting: Here in Canada, churches just do not want to charge tickets for a show/concert, OR even take up a freewill offering. There is a great resistance to either one of those, so I pretty much have to charge a set fee for the shows. They want to make the events free to the attendees of the outreach.
The latest juggling feat I've been working on is also one of the hardest things I do: Dance Dance Revolution while juggling. On the hardest song, on the hardest setting. This year, I've taken it to another level - TWO DDR pads (8 arrows) at the same time, while juggling. No one in the world is doing this, that I know of. Visit
www.comedyinmotion.com for video.
My favourite part of the Bible is usually what I'm currently studying. I could not even say one book above another!
Regarding impacting others, I know I've inspired others to share their faith, as I have been by other bold Christians. For example, when working on cruise ships, I'll take my bible and study books and go wherever: the library, the deck, and study out in the open, where everyone can see (even after I've done the show). Talking one on one I now try to swing the conversation to spiritual things. In fact, I believe I've been more effective for the kingdom in the last 6 months than I have in all my life - and I'm referring to my life OFF stage. This shows the great impact that the ministry of Ray Comfort at Living Waters has been.
I'm very thankful to God for the ability to make a living at something as fun as juggling, especially considering that I was so shy growing up, and am still very introverted. I'm the epitome of doing all things through Christ who strengthens me. For my last words to those just starting out, or just hanging in there - don't quit - don't quit - don't quit!